elp: Off for last minute Christmas shopping
elp: Morning drama
elp: Weekend art
elp: Morning stroll with Nadya
elp: Sampling a Monmouth coffee but more interested in the people
elp: Photo
elp: Great show by Ezra Furman tonight
elp: There was a great sunset on the other side of the building
elp: Sunset by the bar
elp: @drengedrenge
elp: @gaffatapesandy awesome
elp: From the 30's
elp: Snooty
elp: Trying to be regal
elp: Trying to be regal
elp: Looks like Christmas is getting closer
elp: Waiting for marshmallows to melt
elp: Rose sniffing
elp: 11 years old today 🎂 happy birthday Nadya
elp: Sometimes people's kindness can take you by surprise
elp: First to school
elp: Photo
elp: Smirking behind her coffee cup
elp: The drive home
elp: Cleaned up before taken out
elp: Leaving
elp: Sisters
elp: It works, I'm glad we were pig headed and did it our way
elp: Finally, we're back in our kitchen
elp: Ruffled