Wellington Botanical Gardens
The Library of Congress:
Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip (LOC)
The Library of Congress:
Automatic dumper at the co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. Santa Fe trip (LOC)
Tom Stanford:
Taasha & Tristan
S T O R P H O T O G R A P H Y:
Speed 2
François Barbe:
Ride in Africa
Bob Gotham:
VW Scirocco GTII
chris vs world:
Anglesea River Panorama
Dulcimer Fret Board
Notch Study 1
chris vs world:
What A Silly Pain (W.A.S.P)
A bloke named David:
A windmill on our farm