kla4067: Honor
jamespicht: turpin stadium
jamespicht: NSU 1
Bruce Bordelon: Gray Day
jamespicht: NSU dormitories from the air
Cooks Forest: Mini International Harvester Cattepiller
Kathryn Usher: Elvis Sang These Southern Maid Donuts
Leonard Endris: Very grape-like in appearance - Good for jelly
Leonard Endris: Change colors as they ripen
Leonard Endris: A Pana landmark closes its doors
mkendris: Spillway from Below
Leonard Endris: The Roseland Theater
radiotodd: Train tracks and bridge
k.c.e.: SDIM3772
plasticfootball: Lion fountain
plasticfootball: Pana sign
Gianluca Ermanno (aka Vygotskij): Campanile del Duomo, l'Orologio (Pt) / Bell Tower, the Clock (Pt)
tstokes6365: Shreveport Night
jawbone54: Expired
Leonard Endris: I'll be a red berry in the Fall
Leonard Endris: Silas McAlpin Endris
mkendris: Endris Ladies
mkendris: Endris Men
CK'sPhoto: Shreveport Louisiana
AmigaForever: Endris PLS 3350
TE Captain: 100_0919
TheLindners: 07 IH Scout & Light Truck Nationals
TheLindners: 07 IH Scout & Light Truck Nationals