paul.barden: First portrait of Lars with the Lerebours lens
paul.barden: tree.fern01.jpg
paul.barden: lars.lerebours.2.jpg
paul.barden: Skull Jar
paul.barden: LaPaz #1
paul.barden: The Peninsula Woods
paul.barden: Lerebours et Secretan 15” lens, 1850s.
paul.barden: Persistence.
paul.barden: Lerebours.oak.neg.jpg
paul.barden: Lerebours.window.daffs2.jpg
paul.barden: sarracenia.bloom.01a.jpg
paul.barden: Bottle, Sunflower, and Pear.
paul.barden: Chair in the woods.
paul.barden: Lerebours et Secretan Sunflower