OBEDIENT MACHINE: LEGO Mini Ghostbusters Firehouse
Xenomurphy: 50 years of Doctor Who – The Anniversary
JK Brickworks: Mountain Train
consular_ship: Lime green centerbeam flatcar
Sir Nadroj: www.jrschwartz.com
scruffulous: Straight Curves
fireglo450: 2-wide Santa Fe GP-37 High-Nose
scruffulous: Straight curves module set
Siercon and Coral: Micro Nasa Shuttle
Cale Leiphart: IMG_2851
SavaTheAggie: Daylight WiP 01
customBRICKS: Lego Astronaut Footprint
wardlws: BookEnds_Fire_POVRAY
Rick_Bricks: Movie Cars- the fleet grows!
Cale Leiphart: 76mm Sherman 01
psiaki: 3 LDU
SavaTheAggie: Track Bumper/Buffer Stop
Pvt. Cookie: Stargate Final
SavaTheAggie: LandscapeKit_A_2
nolnet: Planet of the Apes
eilonwy77: Part 1: Leaf Weaving (one variation)
deborah higdon - buildings blockd: 2012 - lego microscale train bookends
rabidnovaracer: Placebo Pharmaceuticals
powerpig: Here's an idea!
ALittleSlow: Outside Perspective
Ricecracker.: TARDIS
TJ Avery: Flowering Tree
Tervlon: Radio Tower: wamagaming