Pat Rioux: New to this world
Pat Rioux: A couple of hours old
Pat Rioux: 朱莎 & 朱莉安娜 (Zhu Sha & Zhu Li An Na)
Pat Rioux: On her 1st day
Pat Rioux: Just 1 day old
Pat Rioux: Shasha & Juliana
Pat Rioux: Zhu Li An Na
Pat Rioux: Ready for sleeping
Pat Rioux: Juliana
Pat Rioux: My first time swimming
Pat Rioux: Maybe I'll play later
Pat Rioux: Resting
Pat Rioux: In her Combi Stroller
Pat Rioux: Sleeping in my spot
Pat Rioux: ZZZZZZzzzzzz
Pat Rioux: With her giraffe
Pat Rioux: What's this?
Pat Rioux: Yeah!
Pat Rioux: Everybody in the house say "OH"
Pat Rioux: Big eyes
Pat Rioux: In grandma's pyjama
Pat Rioux: After the bath
Pat Rioux: Papa Pat