Fabian Gzlez: ABC SH
de Cachi Bratoz: Time for a Smoke
dubbie: Perpendicular
dailydolores: Daffy Darth
Cody Lucido: The System
Patflinschrod: Why are you torturing me?
LO777: crucifix
Nataa: Light from the Sky
Cesta Punta: ultrapink solitude
acastellano: When Waves Collide
The Norwegian: a beautiful hole
gregoryperez: Iron and Wine
antomic: 1,095 days and counting
Kris Kros: where is jackie?
Adam Clutterbuck: Tealham Moor Willows
Adam Clutterbuck: pett level posts I
Adam Clutterbuck: two posts and surge
sengsta: ... wait for no man
aremac: Incompetent Scarecrow