Pat Rioux: Tout est sous controle
Pat Rioux: Towards Leshan
Pat Rioux: Floral Arrangement
Pat Rioux: Old Dusty Buddha
Pat Rioux: Incense Sticks
Pat Rioux: The guy who built the Giant Buddha
Pat Rioux: Golden Posts
Pat Rioux: Candles
Pat Rioux: Candles burning
Pat Rioux: Leshan Buddha - Left Side
Pat Rioux: A long Line-up
Pat Rioux: Leshan buddha - Right Side
Pat Rioux: Buddha Close-up
Pat Rioux: My reflection in Leshan
Pat Rioux: Try to get a picture...
Pat Rioux: Uncle Zhang, our driver...
Pat Rioux: In the line-up going down to see the Buddha
Pat Rioux: A Glimpse of the Buddha
Pat Rioux: Leshan Buddha's halfway down to the viewpoint
Pat Rioux: Another shot of the Buddha
Pat Rioux: Leshan Da Fo
Pat Rioux: 71 meters sitting down...that's huge
Pat Rioux: A wide-angle shot of Leshan Buddha
Pat Rioux: That's a big head
Pat Rioux: Charles Trahan, le touriste à la tourista...
Pat Rioux: Going back up
Pat Rioux: What the hell is this doing there
Pat Rioux: I still don't get it