sciusciu77: 120904 018
valentina turri: forchetta e coltello
Marcobarletta: Enza 303
slub10saker: Logga
crema.stere: io lei e l'altra vestita
Francesco Paraggio: Patrizia
beppeserrelli: Trinidad
beppeserrelli: L'Avana
beppeserrelli: L'Avana - I passeggeri della Uaua
Kevin.Donegan: Tallinn
Verdefoglia79: Obinitsa
Eva B:E: The first cut is the deepest
fotoandrew: Obinitsa (Setumaa), table ready for lunch in a Setu house
fotoandrew: Living in the fog 2
fotoandrew: Obinitsa (Setumaa), little girl in traditional Setu costume
crema.stere: red sewer 1
fotoandrew: Palazzolo Acreide. Duomo al tramonto
blind shooting: Fisherman with cormorants at Li river II
blind shooting: Blue umbrellas of China III
fra_selva: venezia10
Rudi Pauwels: Mailbox
foxadam99: Geyser
jyrhino2000: Ready To Fall
jyrhino2000: strokker 2