karthik Nature photography: Potter Wasp In Action
csejtei.peter: IMG_3024
csejtei.peter: IMG_2009
csejtei.peter: IMG_2985
Gabor_Id: DSC_0196 Lomatia lachesis - A bee fly - Ördöglégy
Gabor_Id: DSC_0239 Lomatia lachesis - A bee fly - Ördöglégy
Gabor_Id: DSC_0241 Lomatia lachesis - A bee fly - Ördöglégy
Glen Espinosa Photography: Celyphidae [ Beetle Fly ]
Nikola Rahme: Bee fly in white briefs II
zaln77: Yellow-legged gull - Larus michahellis
johnhallmen: DIY Lamp shade macro diffuser
Nikola Rahme: Drypta close-up
FloraBug: FB15_020_FS
FloraBug: Gear 02
johnhallmen: Mite covered sepsid
johnhallmen: A very plain fly
johnhallmen: To the victor go the spoils
Nikola Rahme: New year - new watermark
johnhallmen: Ruby Whiteface II
johnhallmen: Rainy morning in May II
Nikola Rahme: Euxesta pechumani
Matt Bertone: hanging thief (Asilidae)
Matt Bertone: march fly (Bibionidae)
Matt Bertone: march fly (Bibionidae)
Matt Bertone: march fly (Bibionidae)
Matt Bertone: march fly (Bibionidae)
Matt Bertone: march fly (Bibionidae)
Siegfried Tremel: Parasol mushrooms
Siegfried Tremel: Heleomyzid sp.
Siegfried Tremel: Sawfly larva