rianklong: Maple Mosses
Chuck Pepper Jr.: Two days ago
rianklong: Spring Splendor
Zeb Andrews: All along the river, spring
Zeb Andrews: As good a place to start as any
Zeb Andrews: Happy Valentine's Day
Zeb Andrews: All the thoughts one can have under a bridge... and a place to keep them
rianklong: Island In The Sky
rianklong: Sparks Will Fly
Chuck Pepper Jr.: Sometimes you #halfmarathon #runner #vegan #runonplants #nomeatathlete with @pdxpatrik
Zeb Andrews: All the colors around the world
Chuck Pepper Jr.: #beer #bbq #vegan
Zeb Andrews: Softly along old roads
Zeb Andrews: Eventually I turned west, for in the end that is the direction my heart tends to go
Marcus A.: Jealousy
Chuck Pepper Jr.: DSCN0160.jpg