Rafal K.: DSC_0520 (3)
Rafal K.: DSC_0483
California Wildlife Gardens ~ Debbie Ballentine: Dudleya on rock hillside, Pinnacles National Monument
California Wildlife Gardens ~ Debbie Ballentine: Desert Tortoise in Desert Willow Tree Roots (Gopherus agassizii and Chilopsis linearis)
StrangeWorlds: Paprika Mars 2
StrangeWorlds: After The Storm
Greg Miles: Corymbia x 'Summer Beauty'
Dragan*: Mitza with redcurrant berries
Dragan*: Aster
Dragan*: Augusta in the Park
♥siebe ©: Tulips
Scott Weber PDX: IMG_1413 copy.jpg
Scott Weber PDX: The Memory of Autumn
Scott Weber PDX: Flavel House - Eastern Exposure