Patrick Mayon: Château de Boulogne sur Mer
Patrick Mayon: Château d'Hardelot
Patrick Mayon: Boulogne's castle - Château de Boulogne sur Mer
Patrick Mayon: Château d'Hardelot - Hardelot's castle
Patrick Mayon: Boulogne sur mer
Patrick Mayon: Boulogne sur Mer
Patrick Mayon: inside Basilica Notre Dame - Boulogne sur Mer
Patrick Mayon: Basilique Notre Dame de Boulogne
Patrick Mayon: Inside the crypt ...
Patrick Mayon: Belval's abbey - abbaye de Velval
Patrick Mayon: Abbaye de Belval - Pas de Calais
Patrick Mayon: Oignies - fosses 9/9bis
Patrick Mayon: panorama over Lens and its area
Patrick Mayon: Headframe - chevalement
Patrick Mayon: Reflection on a puddle
Patrick Mayon: View from the top of a slag heap-
Patrick Mayon: view from the top of a slag heap.
Patrick Mayon: Going further up the slag hep.
Patrick Mayon: Walking up my first slag heap
Patrick Mayon: lens : inside the former charcoal mine.
Patrick Mayon: lens : a slag heap and the roof
Patrick Mayon: Entree des Fosse n° 11 - 19 des mines de Lens
Patrick Mayon: Why do you take a photo ?
Patrick Mayon: louvre lens : coulisses du musée
Patrick Mayon: louvre lens light and shadows.
Patrick Mayon: Silhouetttes - Louvre-Lens museum
Patrick Mayon: louvre-lens museum.
Patrick Mayon: Inside the Louvre-Lens museum
Patrick Mayon: louvre lens - on the way out.
Patrick Mayon: Louvre-Lens museum.