Patrick Mayon: wolf-moon
Patrick Mayon: My best wishes for 2020 - Meilleurs vœux pour 2020
Patrick Mayon: sunrise in Brittany
Patrick Mayon: Ancien collège des Jésuites - Reims
Patrick Mayon: musiciens
Patrick Mayon: hall - ancien collège des Jésuites - Reims
Patrick Mayon: Ancienne cuisine - college des Jésuites a Reims
Patrick Mayon: librairie de l'ancien collège des Jésuites à Reims
Patrick Mayon: Cathédrale de Laon : wild life
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral filled with sand
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral : in relation with bloo
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral : in relation with life, biology and DNA
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral : related to chemistry
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral : related to chemistry
Patrick Mayon: Laon's cathedral
Patrick Mayon: Oignies - fosses 9/9bis
Patrick Mayon: Abbaye de Belval - Pas de Calais
Patrick Mayon: Belval's abbey - abbaye de Velval
Patrick Mayon: Mont Aigu underneath the stars
Patrick Mayon: Mutigny
Patrick Mayon: view over the Marne valley
Patrick Mayon: champagne vineyards
Patrick Mayon: Inside the crypt ...
Patrick Mayon: Basilique Notre Dame de Boulogne
Patrick Mayon: inside Basilica Notre Dame - Boulogne sur Mer
Patrick Mayon: more fields inwinter
Patrick Mayon: fields and snow - des champs partiellement enneigés
Patrick Mayon: champagne scenery in winter
Patrick Mayon: the champagne area in winter
Patrick Mayon: Verzenay and its iconic windmill