repaap: Day 14
wolfie_girl: the yellow horse and the carousel
wolfie_girl: us against the big wide world
margreetz: bokehcember 10th - aaahh finally sunshine - end of a nice day
_Matt_T_: Dec 3: 1925 Maxwell
jmschrei: Afternoon sun, Christmas Day
jmschrei: Tropical moment
patjapan: Mist-ery man
OzzRod: Sacred Pool
patjapan: IMGP0747.jpg
repaap: Natural.
OzzRod: Backwater
jmschrei: Parkade facade
repaap: untitled
repaap: Who did eat all the berryes?
OzzRod: Hollow
brucegcco: Nov.2 Fencepost
Tom Ramsey: Chemical Plant
HockeyDad77: Busy Bee
patjapan: IMGP7454.jpg
_Matt_T_: Reflecting
sage972003: breakfast-8
repaap: Day 10
_Matt_T_: Piering out into Lake Ontario
patjapan: Shimenawa
sage972003: Stehr-16
jmschrei: A nod to Monet