patolds1: October 1 Bird of Mercy
patolds1: October 2 Not quite a bird...but!
patolds1: October 3: Such a splendid sunset!
patolds1: October 4: Daffodils at sundown.
patolds1: October 5: Wellcome to the Machine!
patolds1: October 6: Tanks for the weather mate!
patolds1: October 7: I just wanna ...let's not go there!
patolds1: October 7: Extra
patolds1: October 8: Just for a lark.
patolds1: October 9: Just weeds
patolds1: October 10: Yah can't beet this I reckon!
patolds1: October 11: Dehydration
patolds1: October 13: The fallen.
patolds1: October 14: An hour with the fellas!
patolds1: October 15: Cunzea
patolds1: October 16: Not the hobbit, an Orange Pippin.
patolds1: October 17: Where do you get your logs from?
patolds1: October 18: Relections.
patolds1: October 19: The Ibis go home.
patolds1: October 20: Allmost washed out
patolds1: October 21: Happy 50 Splash
patolds1: October 22: Can I handle this?
patolds1: October 23: Stolen Daffi
patolds1: October 24: A simple strawberry.
patolds1: October 24 extra: The studio
patolds1: October 25: A cockatoo or two!
patolds1: October 26: Old lace
patolds1: October 27: Sheez back
patolds1: October 28: Box
patolds1: October 29: A cuppla warm ones..but the sky seems confused!