pato616: Say goodbye to your hearing for a week.
pato616: Tony Vast Binder of Harpoon
pato616: Tony Vast Binder of Harpoon
pato616: Dean Costello of Harpoon
pato616: Dean Costello of Harpoon
pato616: Jimmy Whispers giving a forehead smooch to Dean Costello
pato616: Dean Costello of Harpoon pre show hair fixing.
pato616: Kurt Vile's So Outta Reach EP
pato616: Knobs.
pato616: Dean's Rig
pato616: Dean Costello
pato616: Sorta like a rhino.
pato616: Danielle "Sweet Dee" Mikos
pato616: Front Porch Newspaper
pato616: Detail on Painting
pato616: My perspective for the last few days.
pato616: Portillo
pato616: Man Ray
pato616: Pablo Four Legs
pato616: Plants
pato616: Fish Window
pato616: Took a bunch of these, then took a bunch of photos today.
pato616: Parker Sleeping
pato616: New Tattoo Les's photo though
pato616: Cartright @ Mortville in Chicago
pato616: Cartright @ Mortville in Chicago
pato616: No Loitering
pato616: Matt Evert outside of the Twisted Spoke
pato616: Protestors in Chicago
pato616: Cartright @ Mortville in Chicago