Igor Kramar: Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup)
Igor Kramar: Tulostoma brumale
Igor Kramar: Myxomycetes
Igor Kramar: Calocera viscosa
arlene sopranzetti: The Dog Days of Summer
Victoria Lea B: Tile Roof with Moss and Ferns
koen_jacobs: Moments before...
koen_jacobs: Antwerp
koen_jacobs: woman
miketabak: Raven in snow
Anuj Nair: Yellow-billed Babbler
Anuj Nair: Asian Paradise Flycatcher ( Male )
Igor Kramar: Mycena strobilicola
Steve Balcombe: Graphomya maculata m
mr.martino: Red on White
mr.martino: Suspended
mr.martino: Ibex: Mountain Goat
Dave Hunt Photography: Atlantic Grey Seal (Halichoerus grypus)
Dave Hunt Photography: Spiny Squat Lobster (Galathea Strigosa)
Dave Hunt Photography: Common Shore Crab (Carcinus maenas)
irbicjoy: Crab
Rico Plooster: Group of summer mushrooms
FremdeV: _DSC2956
Neglekt Photography: IMG_3288-2