makrosucht: 238pics_20steps_6zu1_zeisssemiplan63_klein
Saul G.: To be, or not to be...Hmm...Is it worth it?
Fardels.: Caring For The Child...
andredekesel: Galerita with moustache
Kvejlend: portrét mravca
DavidFrutos: Yellow Rock
Sijanto: Zitting Cisticola
Yousef Al-Habshi: Devils Flower Mantis
Colin Hutton Photography: Ogre-faced spider - Deinopis spinosa
Rogelio Moreno G.: Water Flea - Macrothrix
Sergio Bitran M: Perrito, Tero Real, Cigüeñuela, (Himantopus melanurus). White-backed stilt.
Maryline ROHER: Mésange Bleue - Cyanistes caeruleus
Krasi St Matarov: Red to yellow on blue
Donald Jusa: Macro Extreme Collection 2013 (FrontalView)
Abdul Mah: Water lily
michael doe (Project Maratus): net casting spider - Deinopsis subrufa
Aardvarklord: Uh-oh...
Matteo Di Nicola: Vipera aspis atra - melanotic female
johnhallmen: Parent bug
Javier Replinger: libélula roja
linden.g: Pearly egg, squash bug
Nikola Rahme: Tiny lace of leaf litter
viton_I: воспоминания о зиме