JohKl: Wildpark
OR_U: I see we made it through another day
itsfoppa: Seagull
WilliamMercerPhotography: Stunned and Perplexed
Giant Weng: 百貨公司
WilliamMercerPhotography: Sand Strutting
_SG_: Cuba_2014_04_0411_IMG_1738
Bits On Twigs: Stark Against The Sky
puncaz: Seattle Broadway
twinnieE: Quack Quack
_SG_: _SG_2014_06_6660_IMG_9236
_SG_: _SG_2014_02_6008_IMG_7948
Brian The Euphonium: Day 185 of 365 - Hungry Squirrel
Nuno Xavier Moreira: "Libelinha", Western Clubtail (Gomphus pulchellus) - em Liberdade [in Wild]
Paul - Herts: [Explore] Bet he don't get hay fever
West Leigh: Canyon Contemplation *explore*
Gertraud-Magdalena: 1. Juli 2014: Quergestreifte Quelljungfer
WilliamMercerPhotography: Double-Awesome Cormorant is what they should be called.
Hazman Zie: Early Morning Blue
Armin Hofen: Swallowtail
WilliamMercerPhotography: Wishing for summer.
WilliamMercerPhotography: Floating in limbo
WilliamMercerPhotography: Attention Attention I have an announcement to make.
Phil du Valois: Papillon d'automne [ Explored ]
WilliamMercerPhotography: It's going to be a lazy day.
urs_witschi: Honigbiene in Kosmenblüte
rsr418: Look at me now!