MyPixelMagic: _PR_0495 V6 SIGN CROP SMALL
MyPixelMagic: The gateway
MyPixelMagic: Beach Alone
MyPixelMagic: Enjoying sunset alone
MyPixelMagic: Golden Light
MyPixelMagic: Morning vibes
MyPixelMagic: Burning sky
MyPixelMagic: Dreamy-scape
MyPixelMagic: Semblances of Himalaya mountains
MyPixelMagic: Brown Dipper (Cinclus Pallasii)
MyPixelMagic: Brown Dipper (Cinclus Pallasii)
MyPixelMagic: Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris)
MyPixelMagic: Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris)
MyPixelMagic: Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris)
MyPixelMagic: Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (Sitta cinnamoventris)
MyPixelMagic: Himalayan Monal - Male
MyPixelMagic: Himalayan Monal - Male
MyPixelMagic: Himalayan Monal - Male
MyPixelMagic: A bird-eye view of Sattal during Sunrise
MyPixelMagic: Chitchat - Kalij Pheasant (Lophura Ieucomelanos) And Great Barbet
MyPixelMagic: Chitchat - Kalij Pheasant (Lophura Ieucomelanos) And Great Barbet
MyPixelMagic: Chitchat - Kalij Pheasant (Lophura Ieucomelanos) And Great Barbet
MyPixelMagic: Kalij Pheasant (Lophura Ieucomelanos) - Female
MyPixelMagic: Kalij Pheasant (Lophura Ieucomelanos) - Male
MyPixelMagic: Tawny Fish Owl (Ketupa Flavipes)
MyPixelMagic: Dark Night Rising
MyPixelMagic: End of he day
MyPixelMagic: Freedom
MyPixelMagic: End of the Day
MyPixelMagic: Buffy Fish Owl (Ketupa Ketupu)