parisevermore: The look you have when vacation is over.
parisevermore: Peace be still
parisevermore: My work is serious...My playtime is too
parisevermore: My work is serious...My playtime is too
parisevermore: Walk it out fitness
parisevermore: Seeing the world through rose colored glasses
parisevermore: Love the feeling of satin and lace against my skin
parisevermore: Love shopping, but it can be exhausting.
parisevermore: Shopping for the latest outfits is definitely a joy.
parisevermore: Coffee, tea, maybe a donut
parisevermore: Stay where you are and don't move.
parisevermore: Summer food favorites
parisevermore: Strawberries are my weakness.
parisevermore: Sassy!!!
parisevermore: Hard to hold in excitement of good things
parisevermore: Just because the tears are not visibly seen, doesn't mean they're not there.
parisevermore: In all things keep the peace
parisevermore: Give me my flowers, while I live
parisevermore: It's all about having positive thoughts
parisevermore: I am woman, I have a voice!
parisevermore: In every situation in life, it's important to do it with pride
parisevermore: Site seeing in the Hamptons enjoying the scenery
parisevermore: So hard living without you
parisevermore: Words carry a lot of meaning. Careful how there used.
parisevermore: The big move into a new place
parisevermore: Memory Lake
parisevermore: Going through hell
parisevermore: Every time hear the rain hitting against my window, I think of you.
parisevermore: Looks like I'm going to need a second job.