Par Excellence: Attended the 103rd Clovis Rodeo last Sunday, my 1st rodeo, but not anymore.
Par Excellence: Early service singer Curtis Chow and his mom Carmen, Kaitlin Watkins and her mom, Keisha! (from left to right).
Par Excellence: April showers bring April flowers!
Par Excellence: Pastor Ed Krueger (left) and John Ralph (music directir) discussing plans for Easter worship music program
Par Excellence: Pastor Matt Gulseth leading us Lutherans in Maundy Thursday worship service!
Par Excellence: My young Christian friend and Latino pop singer Manuel Romero with his sister Chelsi on his right side.
Par Excellence: Fish tacos special for bi-weekly ReZCom Meetup were delicious!
Par Excellence: Pre-Thanksgiving Eve service in our peaceful, beautiful sanctuary!
Par Excellence: Thanksgiving Dinner for our 'seasoned citizens', served by our high school youth group and youth pastor, Matt Gulseth!
Par Excellence: My granddaughter Kaiea turning 4 on Saturday, Nov 12, 2016. My son Chris as proud dad.
Par Excellence: OBB performing @ Winter Jam 2016, 12 Nov.
Par Excellence: Sarah Reeves, a warm-up act for Winter Jam 2016, 12 Nov!
Par Excellence: Winter Jam Christian concert on Saturday evening, 12 Nov 2016
Par Excellence: My 2nd 'selfie'!
Par Excellence: My 1st 'selfie'!
Par Excellence: Our colors don't run!
Par Excellence: Pre-parade for 97th Fresno Veterans Day Parade, the largest such parade west of the mighty Mississippi River
Par Excellence: "Train your child in the way they should and when they're grown, they won't stray from it." (supporting republican values of a strong national defense, limited government, lower taxes, etc.) Proverbs 22:6. #Trump2016
Par Excellence: A proud supporter of Mr Donald Trump and the Cubbies from Clovis!
Par Excellence: My wife Prasai following pacemaker replacement surgery. The operation was a total success! All glory to God the Father! Amen
Par Excellence: Post pacemaker (Medtronics) replacement surgery