Atsushi Yoneda: hitori asobi
*6261: *入浴中
velco: f l o r a
nabenori: three
(davide): Notoshi's heart
velco: Thanatia (l'autre côté)
small wonder: anika's hands
takuya miyamoto*: tears reflect our mind
::CherryBee::: red and black
sunzui: 0519af
TommyOshima: another day
shioru: 色のない世界
*6261: *Lomograpy_Bubble
(davide): Rainy day
shioru: 沈んでいく
TommyOshima: narcolepsy I
pandakaban: bubble sky
(davide): Death list
nabenori: border
nabenori: white
TommyOshima: Flight of Icarus
zeissizm: "Depressed"
TommyOshima: contraction
TommyOshima: hjúːmənɔ̀ıd túː