Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): This song speaks so simply of love...that's what I carry, God's love and my brother~Greg, mom~Shirl" and best friend~Carol the Love they had for life, family and friends..friends were family to them. I am devoted to that kind of love:~)
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): dragon, A friend of mine drew this, I thought it was interesting and cool looking...:)
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): When life gets busy...:))
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): it is fixed comments are open! Thank you all for your kind and warm hearted comments!!
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): I stacked a few of these, so there wouldn't be so many to comment on!!:~)
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): The simple things in life...
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): There but for the grace of God go I...
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): Nope, this is not mine, but he sure was handsome!!!
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): older brother's Mike's dog.
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~):
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): A note of appreciation...:)
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): 30 years of friendship....
Paradise aka~ Paradise Imaging :~): When your back is against the wall...remember His was against the cross.