Parachuteexpress: An animated discussion...
Parachuteexpress: Middle America
Parachuteexpress: The fourth-smallest town in South Dakota. No really.
Parachuteexpress: Looking for tumbleweed,
Parachuteexpress: Natalie: Just as out of place in SD as the rest of us.
Parachuteexpress: What, apparently, a town of 300 looks like.
Parachuteexpress: Whoa--there's something extraordinary here, no?
Parachuteexpress: If this were Montana; if this were a Big Sky.
Parachuteexpress: Approach to Chicago.
Parachuteexpress: Ahh, the East River.
Parachuteexpress: At least one of these has to be the Brooklyn Bridge.
Parachuteexpress: Lynchburg