Kyohei Katsuta: Thomson's gazelle/トムソンガゼル
Quentin Origami: Kyubi (Nine-tailed fox)
Kyohei Katsuta: Fennec fox/フェネック
DimonC1: The Bowl of Hygieia
Kyohei Katsuta: Duck/アヒル
[~Nic]: Black Footed Ferret [Diagramed version]
18575: Venus Comb Murex
enrique Sweet Baby Wolfie Mija 1/3
[~Nic]: Rhinoceros
oriol esteve - trickster origamist: Squirrel. Basic version. The one I like to fold.
Lonely-Shiba: 2017 origami works
Lonely-Shiba: 【Origami 】Fennec
mitanei: Childhood
[~Nic]: Killer whale
[~Nic]: Voronoi tessellation
sakusaku858: プテラノドン
Shotaro Mineo: shoebill
Gen Hagiwara: ネコ / Cat
[~Nic]: Alice in Wonderland Rabbit. Refold.
lucienderainne: CP Charlot
tetsuya gotani: Rooster 2.0
桑Q: IMG_20170701_230708_1498921844464
Daniel Bermejo Sánchez: Summer owl - Daniel Bermejo
Pere Olivella: Hormiga de Kamiya
Beth's Origami: Spidron Rooster