mbhill63: Built. Now to cut a mat and frame it
mbhill63: New 3-D Linocut Assemblage. #printmaking #blockprint #print #assemblage #linocut
mbhill63: Now to mat and frame. I will have 2 to take to # DubuqueFest on May 20-21.
mbhill63: Goodbye 2nd row seat. You were of little use. Now I have plenty of room for all the art. #mancan #artvan
mbhill63: Getting ready to assemble the #airship. #printmaking #blockprint #bigasslinocut #linocut #steampunkairship
mbhill63: Clouds for my #airship
mbhill63: Painting the backgrounds for Airship. I hope to have a couple assembled by tomorrow. More coffee, please! #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage #steampunkairship
mbhill63: Time to do some matting. Two weeks to DubuqueFest #matting #framing #studio
mbhill63: Now we're talking
mbhill63: The press needed a new sticker #printmaking #linocut
mbhill63: The studio in its current state. Time for some evening printing. #studio #printmaking
mbhill63: New 3-D Assemblage Linocut wip #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage
mbhill63: The new art fair banner
mbhill63: upload
mbhill63: I like the purple background better #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage #teakettle
mbhill63: Now I have a better idea of how this turned out. I am very pleased with the final result #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage #teakettle
mbhill63: I have to say it really ties the van together #mancan #artfairshereIcome
mbhill63: Listening to Out of Your Mind: The Lectures of Alan Watts and cutting out the last few airships
mbhill63: A bright red Cardinal outside my studio window! #hermittime #stustustudio
mbhill63: A little protection never hurts. I don't care if it rains or freezes.... @sacredsymbolstudios #mancan #buddha #
mbhill63: Personalizing the new van #mancan #artfairshereIcome
mbhill63: Slow progress. I'm going to wait until the coffee takes hold before I pick up any sharp objects this morning.
mbhill63: Random clouds for the airship #printmaking #blockprint #print #linocut #steampunkairship
mbhill63: All the Airship prints are full color. Now I need to carve a lino with a few clouds for the rest of the #assemblage. #printmaking #linocut #bigasslinocut #blockprint #airship
mbhill63: I originally planned to make this 2D but now I think it will look better as an 3D assemblage. #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage #steampunkairship
mbhill63: Okay 14 more to go. So far. #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #print #airship #steampunk #steampunkairship
mbhill63: This isn't going to take as long as I thought #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #print #airship #steampunk #steampunkairship #bigasslinocut
mbhill63: Step One #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #bigasslinocut #airship #steampunk #steampunkairship
mbhill63: Ready for coloring. I am going to try to post progress pics throughout the day. This my largest 2D piece ever. It will be 24 x 24 framed. #printmaking #linocut #bigasslinocut #handcoloring
mbhill63: Different color scheme #printmaking #linocut #blockprint #assemblage