byouyuuken: Kay I'm done now
anniedollz♥custom dollz hut <3: My new SD doll arrived home :)
anniedollz♥custom dollz hut <3: Welcome to my home Ruby
anniedollz♥custom dollz hut <3: Volks limited tan skin SD all in one
TURBOW: Ginnan
matahata: Img0010
♡Anna T.♡: 2012-08-21.2
TURBOW: Faylinn
Anlegy: 私たちの教室
Izabela's Pleasures & Treasures: Jean Paul Gaultier in miniature1
thesaraghina: throne
Donfer Lu: 20150122pic001
Donfer Lu: 20141015pic036
TURBOW: Enchanted Doll eyes
Lullaby Poem*: Reina with Browniana 🍀
Anna-Queen: Make-up
Lullaby Poem*: Meet @musrosese at MDP8 🌸 It's very busy and hurry today so I didn't take any photos of my booth😣 Hope to join event in Taiwan in the future!! 謝謝大家今天的到來!! 因為位置問題沒有帶很多現貨,大家都很熱情客氣,搞得我都不好意思了>////< 期待下次再在台灣DP見面喔!!
Ragazza*: Oswen; Guardian of the Forest
Mo.ll.m: 照片 152
Clockwork_Angel: ~Emily, the Corpse Bride~
+Rei+: A Slient Portrait