bradstein: Thursday morning Capitol
bradstein: I'm not sure this is a good idea...
bradstein: Statuary Hall Panorama
bradstein: Mark
bradstein: View from the flight deck
bradstein: Start line, registration area, host hotel
bradstein: Phat leg
bradstein: Ready to roll
bradstein: With a few thousand of our closest friends
bradstein: Phats from VA and MA
bradstein: Our hallway
bradstein: Going to the elevator
bradstein: Mama
bradstein: Elevator buttons
bradstein: Jewel
bradstein: Lobby floor
bradstein: Tree across the street
bradstein: Mama
bradstein: Happy Mama
bradstein: Arbors
bradstein: Mama
bradstein: Jewel
bradstein: The artist as a young man
bradstein: Mom used to drive this way all the time
bradstein: Tie dye
bradstein: Tie dye
bradstein: Bouncy ball
bradstein: A boy can dream...
bradstein: At the beach in the mountains
bradstein: Filling up