jakkibedsole: Butters in his new ball
jakkibedsole: Frank snackin on his human
jakkibedsole: Together Time
jakkibedsole: Cuddles
jakkibedsole: Using the new hammock
jakkibedsole: Wow, they both fit on the bed!
jakkibedsole: Aw, Frank's asleep in the hammock.
jakkibedsole: So Happy Together
jakkibedsole: Sprawled Out
jakkibedsole: Cute Buck Teeth
jakkibedsole: Serious Cleaning Time
jakkibedsole: Gimmie It!
jakkibedsole: Coming out from his napping place
jakkibedsole: I don't ever have to do dishes with Frank around!
jakkibedsole: A little privacy please!
jakkibedsole: Rocked to sleep
jakkibedsole: Hey, I was hiding under here!
jakkibedsole: Free-ranging time!
jakkibedsole: Crossing his itty bitty hands!!!
jakkibedsole: Trying to see
jakkibedsole: Wahoo!
jakkibedsole: Yous let go Nows!!!
jakkibedsole: Snackin'
jakkibedsole: Having fun, Butters?
jakkibedsole: Your trash is my treat
jakkibedsole: Well hello there
jakkibedsole: Lickin' his lips
jakkibedsole: Siting down
jakkibedsole: Make sure you're getting my good side
jakkibedsole: Running nose