PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: It is the artist's business to create sunshine when the sun fails. - Romain Rolland
archifra -francesco de vincenzi-: metropoli due -explore-
Roberto Carpanoni: IMGL1831_2 - Coimbra, District of St. Bartholomew. Resting time in downtown
Lucio pedotti: verso il sole
Trey Ratcliff: Exploring Hong Kong
Milàn l'era inscì: 1940 Loreto-Centrale - il cinema Impero di via Vitruvio
Milàn l'era inscì: 1939 milano ticinese san gottardo cine-teatro massimo alessandro rimini torre residenziale
Milàn l'era inscì: 1939 milano ticinese san gottardo cine-teatro massimo alessandro rimini sala interna
Jeremy Brooks: Tannery Exterior
Jeremy Brooks: Not Here
PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” —T.S. Eliot
Mostportem: Façade II
Mostportem: Keyhole
Mostportem: River Lovers II
Mostportem: Triplets
Toenails London: "Experience a revitalizing blend of Zenzero Apple, ginger, lemon, and thyme in every sip of Daily Dose cold pressed juice! 🍎🍋🌿 #DailyDose #ColdPressedJuice #Cambridgeshire #HealthyLiving"
Charles McNeal: Convenience store in Bilbao Spain
Charles McNeal: A casual conversation…
dagioar: The landlord
SERIKCOHEN: WTC looking toward the World Financial Center's Winter Garden on a crisp winter night
encantadissima: Penombre [Explore n.127 del 30 settembre 2023]
encantadissima: Gambrinus
encantadissima: Lo spirito del Natale
a.strelkovv: IMG_20230901_135733_274
Images from the Dark Side: Before the Dawn
Blende1.8: yellow spiral up
jonbroughton: Arnold Circus, Shoreditch
yan08865: the Arctic beach