McDuck17: Just a Little Shy
mmgdoherty: Peeking Out
Anne Strickland: An evening sunset and a bottle of red
Tiziano Taddei: Finalmente si mangia...............
eraritjaritjaka: Simone
marta: Behind the lemon tree
Tiziano Taddei: Contadino al lavoro................
cacciatrice di aquiloni: non servon le parole
Eduardo Amorim: Duas almas
marta: My sweet, lovely, adorable cat!
Mel1st: What?
bocavermelha-l.b.: gobble♫, gobble ♫, gobble it up!~~ <°)))>< ~~ great egret from bali♫
eraritjaritjaka: Joan Minguell, Monte Acuto, Berchidda