ydebruyne: pf-160722-2-lith
Polar Noire: /////^I\\I//
TXphotoblog: Giant Oak
Vincenzo Caniparoli: Inner Conditions
beyondthejupiter: elidegenedés // alienation
Dito Nyc: a000153790008
Polar Noire: ★ / ☆
micalngelo: Chief Mountain
Wolfgang Moersch: Strand with Buoys
ShimmeringGrains: All You See Ain't Truth
Trigger1980: One day we will find a place where our dreams and reality collide
David H. Hull: Refractograph 211
Polar Noire: c - dunes
art y fotos: Monkey wrench
micalngelo: The Oxbow As I Know
Polar Noire: ~~~/\~\\
micalngelo: Harmony
micalngelo: Quiet Harmony
micalngelo: Twinge Of Envy
Vincenzo Caniparoli: Quiete insopportabile
Vincenzo Caniparoli: Itinerari sensibili
micalngelo: Time To Reflect
Polar Noire: ///~~II#
micalngelo: Widowmaker
Black and White Fine Art: Fotografía Estenopeica (Pinhole Photography)