K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): Mauerpark - Wallpark Berlin
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): Over the Roofs of Berlin - Konquest of the Tachelesroof for one night...
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): MuseumIsle (World Heritage)
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): Warschauer Place near the Eastport in Friedrichhain
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): Last month I saw family tower walking akross Kreuzberg... seems that they search arestaurant....
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): GRIPS for everyone who needs...
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): ...Kinder gabs schon damals...
K.Aesthetik™ - eArly yeArs (1998-2002): Butterfly on the motorwAy