europics: radiant city
bubbleooooo2007: Central (UR - 55days) HK8 (22-Nov-2014) 455
Teresa's Place/: imperfections
kolealice: Sassy
astra pentaxia: Life In The Excelsior - Watching Evening TV
Teresa's Place/: The Holidays Series
susan catherine: Escaping
Jim Hart (*): Eagle River, WI
Jim Hart (*): Tillamook, OR
A. L. Utne: looking for clues
A. L. Utne: looking for clues
A. L. Utne: looking for clues
apricotX: camden,de
Hawkeye_Pippi (Melissa Eve): Peering into the forest for the trees
Jean-Pierre ARIBAU: Barcelone #51
Samm Bennett: passerby
Samm Bennett: hiding in plain sight
lux fecit: red3