johnhallmen: The Hitchhiker's Ride...
Nikola Rahme: The glowing mother
Thomas Shahan: Whirligig Mite (Erythracarus pyrrholeucus) - Oregon
Nikola Rahme: Eastern owly sulphur IV
nickybay: Weevils (Tyndides sp.) - DSC_3969
AndyMacDougallPhotography: 2015-02-03-21.00.51_ZS_retouched-Edit
nickybay: Wrap-around spider (Talthybia sp.) - DSC_9622
Dalantech: El Torro
Thomas Shahan: Azalea lace bug - Stephanitis pyrioides - Oregon
johnhallmen: Studio stack: Neomida
nickybay: Owlfly larva (Ascalaphidae) - DSC_8744
andrea hallgass: Physocephala vittata (Fabricius, 1794)
johnhallmen: Egg laying Jewel Beetle
Dalantech: Soap Bubble Abstract Series 1-3
myriorama: lashed
myriorama: head mites
myriorama: jumping spider fungus
Thomas Shahan: Walker's Moth (Sosxetra grata) - Belize
myriorama: fungus-infected beetle
Nikola Rahme: Let me sleep! II
Nikola Rahme: Velvet spider lady
Thomas Shahan: Gold Dust Day Gecko (Phelsuma laticauda)
Lord V: Cranefly on marguerite #2
Nikola Rahme: Hedgehog beetle
Yousef Al-Habshi: Saw Scaled Snake - BW
Yousef Al-Habshi: Shall I jump?
Yousef Al-Habshi: Spider TBA
Yousef Al-Habshi: Eristalinus megacephalus - Hi Res - Explored