NyYankee: Eclisse
neamoscou: t h e l e a d e r
neamoscou: i n s i d e t h e c h u r c h
altrovero: unbreakable. Made with @mexturesapp #mexturesapp
nametor: BK 01
jeffelix69: warm fragrance
Maria Francesca Ferraina: the sacred path of the red flow*
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Mio specchio beffardo, mio amore spodestato.
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Wings Of Gabriel
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Io lo so, quando la terra si spacca.
Maria Francesca Ferraina: You throw thorns, falling in my silence they become flowers.
Maria Francesca Ferraina: How many Flowers fail in Wood
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Ne te courbe que pour aimer
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Vorrei che da me tu ti sentissi al sicuro.
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Somewhere upon the general Earth
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Life is one long struggle in the dark.
Maria Francesca Ferraina: You can cut all the flowers
Maria Francesca Ferraina: she undresses in the paradise of her memory
Maria Francesca Ferraina: J’ai vécu comme une ombre
Maria Francesca Ferraina: Only the darkness, and the scent of you!