Pagan Poetry:
Pagan Poetry:
la culla del sogno
Pagan Poetry:
il gioco del silenzio
Pagan Poetry:
come around ruby i could never sleep alone
Pagan Poetry:
a sea lovestory.
Pagan Poetry:
[we spent all day in the branches.]
Pagan Poetry:
[Postcards from Italy.]
Pagan Poetry:
Pagan Poetry:
a song for leaving
Pagan Poetry:
The dinosaurs roam the earth
Pagan Poetry:
You are the treasure
Pagan Poetry:
cigni e rasoi di seta.
Pagan Poetry:
you taught me how to speak
Pagan Poetry:
Perturbazione atlantica
Pagan Poetry:
il tono della tua voce che era per rischiarare.
Pagan Poetry:
So the storm is gone.
Pagan Poetry:
Tra le fiamme dei fiori.
Pagan Poetry:
Blown on the steel breeze.
Pagan Poetry:
Pagan Poetry:
Are you still into it?
Pagan Poetry:
Jump off the end
Pagan Poetry:
Creeping coastline of lights
Pagan Poetry:
hullabaloo vein-track.
Pagan Poetry:
i know it's over.
Pagan Poetry:
M a r i n a
Pagan Poetry:
Pagan Poetry:
S p a r k l e s
Pagan Poetry:
P e r M a n o.
Pagan Poetry:
K+ effect