Padmasree’s Clicks: Intermediate Egret
Padmasree’s Clicks: Purple sunbird, female
Padmasree’s Clicks: Short eared owl
Padmasree’s Clicks: Spot bellied eagle owl, Female
Padmasree’s Clicks: Brushstrokes of light
Padmasree’s Clicks: Black redstart, Bharatpur
Padmasree’s Clicks: Lesser whistling duck
Padmasree’s Clicks: Fulvous whistling duck
Padmasree’s Clicks: Padmanabhaswamy temple, Trivandrum
Padmasree’s Clicks: Colours, Flower Bazaar, Hyderabad
Padmasree’s Clicks: Flower Bazaar, Hyderabad
Padmasree’s Clicks: Indian Pond Heron, Chennai
Padmasree’s Clicks: Religious beliefs
Padmasree’s Clicks: Purple sunbird
Padmasree’s Clicks: Malabar Parakeet, Male
Padmasree’s Clicks: Malabar Parakeet, female
Padmasree’s Clicks: Everything light touches is our kingdom
Padmasree’s Clicks: Crimson backed sunbird
Padmasree’s Clicks: Asian glossy starling, Male
Padmasree’s Clicks: “There are things that death cannot touch” # our love
Padmasree’s Clicks: Long exposure of boats in Marina Bay Sands
Padmasree’s Clicks: Little Clown grasshopper at Theosophical garden, Chennai
Padmasree’s Clicks: Kampong glam, Singapore
Padmasree’s Clicks: Jambu Fruit Dove, Male, Singapore, August 2019
Padmasree’s Clicks: Singapore Flyer
Padmasree’s Clicks: Light and Laser show