packof2: chilling
packof2: Peacock
packof2: She also kisses you if you put your face there
packof2: This monkey sits here all day
packof2: Just hanging around
packof2: This guy was pissed
packof2: let go of my head!
packof2: happy little guy
packof2: so sweet
packof2: STA71227
packof2: cool
packof2: leopard
packof2: Good boy
packof2: Look...they are kissing
packof2: Shauna & Angie
packof2: Look how colorful
packof2: Shelly feeding them some sugar water
packof2: Aren't they pretty?
packof2: STA71202
packof2: Check this out
packof2: Snow cone anyone?
packof2: Scary
packof2: ICK
packof2: Mother daughter monkeys
packof2: Now the belly
packof2: Getting a tan
packof2: remember this guy from the lion king?
packof2: Kade meeting the goat
packof2: pretty brown & black one
packof2: Cute...a goat. Shel used to have three of these as a kid