Vicki's Nature: Fiery skipper in sea of orange
pieceoflace photography: Mr. Red week...
© Limpus48: Venga un par de Segundos, Tengo Hambre... Go on then A Couple of seconds, I´m Hungry.....
Haworthia em Lisboa: Haworthia cymbiformis variegated.
crafty1tutu (Ann): All together for Christmas
William Miller 21: ducks at the depot
Jay KoolPix: Tree Swallow with Nesting Material
Photos from Terry: "Happy Mother's Day"
nobuflickr: えびね (海老根)/Calanthe-40
françois26: Papa-amoras-comum ( Sylvia communis ) Common Whitethroat
Haworthia em Lisboa: Haworthia maughanii. 154.00.GH. E.L.K.2009. ex.Z. -Ref.HAW014.11.
FreeWine: Butterfly Buffet
Alwin Espiritu: Anjani #10
Photos from Terry: The Thrill of the Trolley
Bill Gracey 31 Million Views: Succulent Basket With Seashell
milomingo: ~ Earth Day ~
Martin_Heigan: Stapelia glanduliflora macro
STE: Coccinella tra i fiori di colza
STE: I'm busy in these days, sorry
Juan ♂: Burney Falls (129 feet fall )
karthik Nature photography: Adult Female Jumping Spider
j man.: Daffodils
crafty1tutu (Ann): Bright eyes
nobuflickr: 清流亭の紅枝垂れ桜
zeynep dincer: Turbinicarpus schmiedickeanus
Photos from Terry: Waving in the Wind
DrPhotoMoto: Maiden Pink