Sofia Katarina: the kiss
Sofia Katarina: tanya aka gonza aka ghettolizard aka hottie
Sofia Katarina: korv (ok this should maybe not be called korv. it means sausage. it's just that...korv sounds funny in swedish. that's why. k-OooH-rr-v)
Sofia Katarina: a self-portrait and it doesn't even look like me
Sofia Katarina: för att kunna se en sekund i en väns ögon måste vi först vara rena som ofallen snö
Sofia Katarina: voici tse tse coetzee (I) but she's also called geting, which means wasp. or heting, and it rhymes. geting, heting. heting means hottie. conclusion: this is zse zse coetzee
Sofia Katarina: feeble at heart and adrift in universe
Sofia Katarina: anonymity, a crime to yourself
Sofia Katarina: if autumn is pol pot having a tantrum, then spring is the look of a young brigitte bardot
Sofia Katarina: the modern ophelia
Sofia Katarina: le Français qui pleure
Sofia Katarina: You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.
Sofia Katarina: mr scopes
Sofia Katarina: the kiss
Sofia Katarina: okänd pojke
Sofia Katarina: okänd kvinna