mariarn23: "Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky" (Kahlil Gibran)
Off for awhile! Thank you for your support!: View through a Gnarled Tree Stump
digiphotonut: Juvenile and adult Bald Eagle
digiphotonut: Pronghorn Antelope
digiphotonut: Great Salt Lake Sunset
digiphotonut: Utah Mountains
zollatiff: Wawasan Dam
zollatiff: 31.12.2016 Sunrise
zollatiff: Into The Night
Laura E Murphy: Spirit Island
Laura E Murphy: Weather on the Mountain
Missy Jussy: An Autumn Day in the Woods
Missy Jussy: Framed Beauty
Missy Jussy: Sunshine and Shadows
mariarn23: Slow awakening
mariarn23: Today's early morning mood
mariarn23: The longest day
Claudia G. Kukulka: Last Light
Claudia G. Kukulka: Liebfrauenbrunnkapelle, Werbach
Claudia G. Kukulka: Two cones with autumn bokeh
Claudia G. Kukulka: Spiders have no weekends
Goromo: Boys Will Be Boys
Goromo: Way Off the Beaten Path
Goromo: Lit Jack-O-Lanterns
Goromo: Enjoy Your Summer
Carl's Captures: The In Cloud
Carl's Captures: A Cast of Thousands
We travel the Spaceways: After a day off, Spring was back :-)
We travel the Spaceways: Saturday afternoon shadows
BYOTA !: A tale from the last summer ..