G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
ground squirrell in the Colorado Rockies
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Camouflaged bullfrog
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
ptarmigan in Newfoundland
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Mother and Young Raccoons at the River
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
freshwater crab, interior mountains of Dominica
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Cedar Waxwing in the Late Autumn Canopy
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Meet the Family
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Bald Eagle
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Enduring a Cold and Snowy Day
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Come Out of Your Shell
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
One Had an Itch
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Puerto Rican lizard 2
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Colorado Rockies Moose
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
here we come
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
blue heron
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Wild and Free
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Out On a Limb
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Baby Grey Squirrel 2
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Feasting on Seed
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tiny Frog - Spring Peeper
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
barred owl
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Tree Frog Pondering
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
water strider
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
pika in Colorado Rockies
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Great Blue Heron Fishing in the Mist
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Sharing a Limb
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
collared lizard
G Michael Lewis (Taking a Break for a while):
Baby Grey Squirrel