Michael Dotson: Showroom
Telstar Logistics: Queen's Nails Gallery
kami68k [Graz & Allover]: Graffiti in Köln/Cologne 2012
Mr. Achoe: Enjoying the sunny weather
Michael Dotson: This Used To Make Sense
bbbbryson: Bad place to build your house.
HenrikCQ: DSC_0251 1024
Ironlak: PHATS | Jungle Fever.
avert: Brion Nuda Rosch
FiguresAndPatterns: Mask, Paul Wackers
biskitboy: Ball of Light - Floating
biskitboy: Ball of Light
halvorbodin: Extrusion by Marius Watz
mariachi2006: Paradoxymoron
Mr. Achoe: Skien 2011
Michael Dotson: PyramidPower
tdub303: the un-installation.
Ironlak: Banos.
orange.plastic: Illuminating the snow, not the Wrigley Building
Ingri Haraldsen: Almost there
Ingri Haraldsen: Balloon me