Oxfam Unwrapped: Maka Djibo Carrying Water Using a ‘tagala’
Oxfam Unwrapped: Three Women Walking to Fetch Water
Oxfam Unwrapped: Water Spraying from a pipe in Nawoyatir
Oxfam Unwrapped: Annie Nangawiri with one of her goats
Oxfam Unwrapped: Nellie Mwinde Farming
Oxfam Unwrapped: Aida Jonasni with her sons Chifundo and Dickson and their seven goats
Oxfam Unwrapped: Boy Collecting safe water
Oxfam Unwrapped: Noolarami Kilanga taking her goats back into her homestead
Oxfam Unwrapped: Jessica Batoure Fetches Water
Oxfam Unwrapped: Woman Farming
Oxfam Unwrapped: Livestock fair Zimbabwe Unwrapped
Oxfam Unwrapped: Dusengimana Eduard local vet supported by Oxfam
Oxfam Unwrapped: Unwrapping a Well
Oxfam Unwrapped: Gagan B.K. , 25 years old, pictured with her 6 month old baby son
Oxfam Unwrapped: Chifundo Feeding Goats
Oxfam Unwrapped: A Child Washing His Hands
Oxfam Unwrapped: Rubenia Santos On the Farm
Oxfam Unwrapped: Family with Oxfam Unwrapped Chicken
Oxfam Unwrapped: Abigail with Goat and Family
Oxfam Unwrapped: Sakina Collecting Clean Drinking Water
Oxfam Unwrapped: A Family Enjoying Their New Goat
Oxfam Unwrapped: Selina Receiving Her Goat from Oxfam Unwrapped