Anita Berry: Amor eterno a mi cama
Anita Berry: Two years later
Anita Berry: Guess who's back
Anita Berry: Jetzt ist alles monochrom.
Anita Berry: If you walk away, every day it will rain.
Anita Berry: Jeder Anfang endet irgendwann...
Anita Berry: Vieni via con me
Anita Berry: Waiting for me to fuck off.
Anita Berry: Sing me to sleep
Anita Berry: ¿Qué mejor forma de empezar el año?
Anita Berry: Start now.
Anita Berry: Granada nachts
Anita Berry: Memento
Anita Berry: Too much pride
Anita Berry: Me oirás cantar borracho en tus oídos borrachos
Anita Berry: Freedom
Anita Berry: Come on skinny love
Anita Berry: Her morning elegance.
Anita Berry: And the time just passes.
Anita Berry: Maybe if that asshole had acted right I would have stayed.
Anita Berry: The word "hate" doesn't hate. We do.
Anita Berry: Got a special place for you
Anita Berry: They can all get fucked, just stay true to you
Anita Berry: Some kind of emotional rollercoaster
Anita Berry: Y dejamos cada día un poco de nosotros
Anita Berry: Guess who's back, back again.
Anita Berry: Eres joven, llamas la atención.
Anita Berry: Dale limosna mujer...
Anita Berry: A pugni col mondo.