rudyerasmus: Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea, landing on Submerged Hippo-_11A3063
rudyerasmus: Grey Heron escaping gaping jaws of Hippo, Sunset Dam Lower Sabie
rudyerasmus: Grey Heron dislodged , by Hippo , rolling to rid of Heron -_11A3099
rudyerasmus: Grey Heron , finding fishing easy fgom the back of the Hippo,II,_11A3076
rudyerasmus: GREY Heron , narrow escape from Jaws of Irrate Hippo, Sunset Dam , Lower Sabie -_11A3676
rudyerasmus: Thick-billed Weaver, Amblyospiza albifrons, male display , BHB-_Z7A1109
rudyerasmus: Sossus Dunes with Vehicle , 1698
rudyerasmus: Sossus Dunes late afternoon , 4119
rudyerasmus: Rufous-naped Lark displaying , Serengeti_5753
rudyerasmus: Red- Billed Teal, Anas erythrorhyncha, and Red-knobbed Coot, Fulica cristata,
rudyerasmus: Pied Kingfisher, Creyle rudis, , shaking off water after diving, Pilanesberg Nat Pk
rudyerasmus: Pied , Ceryle rudis, , on Fishing Perch, with water weed attached to it's neck ,II_6134
rudyerasmus: Leopard, Near Crocodile Bridge, Late afternoon , Low Light, -_11A3145
rudyerasmus: Leopard Yawn , foot up , Shingwedzi , Red Rocks Rd -7D Mark II-211A3126
rudyerasmus: White-quiled Korhaan , see , isplay head and throat swolen , Nxai Pans 6837
rudyerasmus: White-bellied Sunbird , drinking from fountain , vis tongue ,-7D Mark II-211A4049
rudyerasmus: Orange-breasted Sunbird amongst Mimetes plants_8306
rudyerasmus: Ground Hornbill portrait _7812
rudyerasmus: Swallow-tailed Bee-eater , Nxai Pans ,7008
rudyerasmus: Sunrise on Kubu , facing East _6622
rudyerasmus: Stone walls , on Kubu Island , for Religious Purpose _6780
rudyerasmus: Spotted Flycatcher , Harold Porter 5501
rudyerasmus: Spotted Flycatcher , Harold Porter , 5495
rudyerasmus: Scadoxis , flower , HB -_11A6293
rudyerasmus: Rockjumper Male , Rooiels, Western Cape 5402
rudyerasmus: Rockjumper female calling , Rooiels , 5405
rudyerasmus: Red-capped Lark Nxai Pans ,_9563
rudyerasmus: Paf-W-B-Sunbird-male-II
rudyerasmus: Northern Black Korhaan calling while Flying,See White Primaries, Baine's Boababs , Botswana 7080
rudyerasmus: Marico Flycatcher , Nxai Pans , Botswana 6848