riddance77: Kernkraftwerk Isar
OneCut: Красная звезда
OneCut: La penseuse
OneCut: 356 by Contax: Porsche designs
OneCut: La songeuse
René Maly: Revue AC3s & Rikenon 2.8/18
letsira: IMG_2002.jpg
vincent-photo: Portrait Soluble #6
Ariasgonzalo: La canoa de Selmo
Ariasgonzalo: Dos pequeñas barcas
plus45: Watch out!
T.E.D.P.H.A.M: Hoa của nắng
malikmata52: Fed 2 and J-12
the other Martin Taylor: Zorki-4 Rangefinder
Stupid Colors: Zorki 4
KF 红相机: Kiev 4AM- Bokeh Chain
Sim.B: Garden of Dreams
et puis il y a frida: my summer zenit
et puis il y a frida: meet my ЗЕНИТ
letsira: IMG_9463.jpg
Ignacio LPM: En el Tren.